Title | Full title | Date of signment | Date & place of signment | № Decision GRM | Entry in force |
Multilateral Agreement on Commercial Rights of Non-Scheduled Air Services in Europe EN |
Multilateral Agreement on Commercial Rights of Non-Scheduled Air Services in Europe |
13.04.1956, Paris, ICAO |
nr. 180-XIV (28.10.1998) |
23.03.1999 |
Convention for the suppression of unlawful acts against the safety of civil aviation RU RO EN |
Convention for the suppression of unlawful acts against the safety of civil aviation |
25.01.1973 |
23.09.1971, Montreal |
nr. 766-XII (06.03.1996) |
20.06.1997 |
Agreement between the European Community and the Republic of Moldova on certain aspects of air services EN |
Agreement between the European Community and the Republic of Moldova on certain aspects of air services |
11.04.2006, Luxemburg |
nr. 397-XVI (14.12.2006) |
31.12.2006 |
Protocol on amendment of the Convention |
Protocol on amendment of the Convention |
27.09.1955, Haga |
nr. 766-XII (06.03.1996) |
19.06.1997 |
Convention on international interests in mobile equipment RU RO EN |
Convention on international interests in mobile equipment |
28.02.2006 |
16.11.2001, Cape Town |
nr. 59 (09.04.2015) |
15.05.2015 |
Protocol on authentic trilingual text |
Protocol on authentic trilingual text |
24.09.1968, Buenos Aires |
nr. 97-XIII (12.05.1994) |
01.07.1992 |
Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air RO EN |
Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air |
03.11.2003 |
28.05.1999, Montreal |
nr. 254-XVI (05.12.2008) |
17.05.2009 |
Protocol consolidating the Eurocontrol International Convention relating to Co-operation for the Safety of Air Navigation RO |
Protocol consolidating the Eurocontrol International Convention relating to Co-operation for the Safety of Air Navigation |
12.02.1981, Bruxelles EUROCONTROL |
nr. 726-XIV (16.12.1999) |
23.12.1999 |
Protocol on specific aspects of aeronautical equipment to the convention on international interests in mobile equipment RO EN |
16.11.2011, Cape Town |
nr. 264 (07.12.2017) |
Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air RU RO |
12.10.1929, Varșovia |
nr. 767-XII (06.03.1966) |
19.06.1997 |
Protocol for the suppression of unlawful acts of violence at international airports EN RU |
Protocol for the suppression of unlawful acts of violence at international airports |
24.02.1988, Montreal |
nr. 766-XII (06.03.1996) |
20.07.1997 |
Common Aviation Area Agreement between the European Union and its Member States and the Republic of Moldova EN RO |
Common Aviation Area Agreement between the European Union and its Member States and the Republic of Moldova |
26.06.2012, Bruxelles |
nr. 292 (21.12.2012) |
25.01.2013 |
Complementary Convention to the Convention for the Unification of Rules Relating to International Carriage by Air RU RO |
Complementary Convention to the Convention for the Unification of Rules Relating to International Carriage by Air |
30.04.1964 |
09.09.1961, Guadalahara |
nr. 766-XII (06.03.1996) |
06.03.1996 |
Protocol on authentic quadrilingual text |
Protocol on authentic quadrilingual text |
30.09.1977, Montreal |
nr. 765-XIII (06.03.1996) |
16.09.1999 |
Convention for the suppression of unlawful seizure of aircraft RU RO EN |
Convention for the suppression of unlawful seizure of aircraft |
16.12.1970, Haga |
nr. 767-XII (06.03.1996) |
20.06.1997 |
Multilateral agreement on air route charges RO |
Multilateral agreement on air route charges |
12.02.1981, Bruxelles, EUROCONTROL |
nr. 726-XIV (16.12.1999) |
01.03.2000 |
Convention on the marking of plastic explosives for the purpose of detection RU EN |
Convention on the marking of plastic explosives for the purpose of detection |
20.06.1998 |
01.03.1991, Montreal, ICAO |
nr. 766-XIII (06.03.1996) |
21.06.1998 |
Convention on offences and certain other acts committed on board aircraft RO EN |
Convention on offences and certain other acts committed on board aircraft |
03.12.1969 |
14.09.1963, Tokio, ICAO |
nr. 766-XII (06.03.1996) |
18.09.1997 |
International air services transit agreement EN |
International air services transit agreement |
07.12.1944, Chicago |
nr. 97-XIII (12.05.1994) |
21.11.1994 |
Notification of ICAO on limits of liability RU EN |
Notification of ICAO on limits of liability |
27.05.1999, Montreal |
nr. 230-232 (22.12.2008) |
Multilateral Agreement between the European Community and its Member States EN RO |
Multilateral Agreement between the European Community and its Member States |
Arrangements concerning the development, the acceptance and the implementation of joint aviation requirements RO EN |
Arrangements concerning the development, the acceptance and the implementation of joint aviation requirements |
11.09.1990, Cipru, JAA |
nr. 1-4 (11.01.2001) |
11.01.2001 |
Convention on International Civil Aviation RU RO EN |
Convention on International Civil Aviation |
07.12.1944, Chicago, SUA |
nr. 97-XIII (12.05.1994) |
01.07.1992 |
Title | Date of signment | Date & place of signment | № Decision GRM | № & date of ICAO certificate registaration |
BA-Germany EN RO |
07.11.2001 |
21.05.1999, Chisinau |
nr. 708 (27.07.1999) |
(09.04.2001) nr. 4311 |
RO |
12.04.2018, Kiev |
nr. (06.04.2022) |
(06.04.2022) nr. |
BA-Israel EN RO |
12.01.1998 |
22.06.1997, Jerusalim |
nr. 961 (20.10.1997) |
(09.04.2001) nr. 4308 |
BA-Qatar RO |
26.01.2017 |
27.11.2016, Doha |
nr. 47 (16.01.2017) |
Working arrangement between EASA and CAA RM EN |
27.11.2014 |
28.11.2014, Brussels |
BA-Belarussia RU RO |
12.09.1995, Chisinau |
nr. 113 (18.02.1997) |
3967 (11.03.1996) nr. 3193 |
BA-Hungary EN RO |
22.02.1996 |
19.04.1995, Budapest |
nr. 45 (29.01.1996) |
(09.04.2001) nr. 4305 |
BA-Greece EN RO |
13.02.2005 |
29.03.2004, Chisinau |
nr. (16.12.2020) |
BA-Austria EN RO |
31.08.1993 |
20.07.1993, Vienna |
nr. 498 (09.08.1993) |
3856 (21.01.1994) nr. 3082 |
BA-China EN RO |
21.12.2000 |
07.06.2000, Peking |
nr. 775 (01.08.2000) |
RO |
31.01.2003, Bucureşti |
nr. (06.04.2022) |
(06.04.2022) nr. |
WA between EASA and CAA RM on SAFA Programme EN |
18.07.2013 |
BA-Italy EN RO |
19.09.1997, Roma |
nr. 254 (05.03.1998) |
(09.04.2001) nr. 4309 |
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Moldova and the Swiss Federal Council relating to scheduled air services RO EN |
04.04.2019, Berna |
AB-Türkiye EN |
BA-Lithuania EN RO |
02.06.1998 |
05.04.1996, Vilnus |
nr. 223 (27.02.1998) |
(09.04.2001) nr. 4306 |
BA-Turkey EN RO |
10.05.2004 |
03.06.1995, Chisinau |
nr. 966 (20.10.1997) |
3964 (04.03.1996) nr. 3190 |
BA-Azerbaidjan RU RO |
07.11.2005 |
25.04.2005, Chisinau |
BA-Russia RU RO |
26.09.1994, Moscow |
nr. 128 (27.02.1995) |
3969 (13.05.1996) nr. 3195 |
BA-Ciprys EN RO |
15.07.2002, Chisinau |
nr. 1176 (05.09.2002) |
BA-Ukraine RU |
22.03.1993 |
20.03.1993, Chisinau |
nr. 686 (05.11.1993) |
3968 (12.03.1996) nr. 3194 |
ACORD intre Guvernul Republicii Moldova și Guvernul Statelor Unite ale Americii privind transportul aerian RO EN |
06.09.2023 |
18.05.2023, Chisinau |
BA-Georgia RU RO |
04.07.1999 |
28.11.1997, Tbilisi |
nr. 47-XIV (04.06.1998) |
(09.04.2001) nr. 4310 |
RO |
05.12.2031, Tel-Aviv |
nr. (06.04.2022) |
(06.04.2022) nr. |
BA-Bulgaria RU RO |
17.04.1996, Sofia |
nr. 262 (20.03.1997) |
(09.04.2001) nr. 4307 |
BA - United Arab Emirates EN RO |
19.11.2013, Dubai |
BA-Poland EN RO |
27.07.1995, Warsaw |
nr. 222 (07.03.1997) |
3965 (05.03.1996) nr. 3191 |
WA between CAA RM and the Federal Air Transport Agency (Russian Federation) on cooperation in the field of airworthiness RU |
Collaboration protocol concluded between CAA Romania and CAA RM RO |
14.06.2022 |
BA-Uzbekistan RU RO |
27.11.1995 |
30.03.1995, Chisinau |
nr. 285 (10.05.1995) |
3966 (11.03.1996) nr. 3192 |
BA-Czech Rep. EN RO |
24.02.2004, Chisinau |
nr. 1044 (22.09.2004) |
BA-Romania RO |
13.12.1993 |
28.06.1993, Chisinau |
nr. 419 (07.07.1993) |
Title | Full title | Order number | Published in the Official Journal |
HGRM nr.473 RU RO |
Government decision on approval of the Regulation regarding registration of civil aircraft and management of Aircraft register of the Republic of Moldova |
Nr. 473 din 05.07.2023 |
Nr. 332-333 din 29.08.2023 |
HGRM nr.612 RU RO |
Government decision on approval of the Regulation regarding technical requirements and administrative procedures related to air operations |
Nr. nr.612 din 01.09.2022 |
Nr. 363-272 din 18.11.2022 |
LRM nr.220 RU RO |
Law on state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs |
Nr. 220-XVI din 19.10.2007 |
Nr. 184-187/711 din 30.11.2007 |
HGRM nr.870 RU RO |
Government Decision on approval of the Regulation on flights authorization and use of national airspace by civil and state aircraft |
Nr. 870 din 09.12.2020 |
Nr. 358 din 23.12.2020 |
HGRM nr.899 RU RO |
Government decision on approval of the National civil aviation safety policy |
Nr. 899 din 12.11.2023 |
Nr. 463-464 din 05.12.2023 |
LRM nr.173 RU RO |
Law on the way the official acts are published and enter into force |
Nr. 173-XIII din 06.07.1994 |
Nr. 183-185 din 12.08.2008 |
HGRM nr.297 RO RU |
Government Decision on approval of the State Safety Program |
Nr. 297 din 25.05.2020 |
Nr. 165-176/553 din 10.07.2020 |
HGRM nr.514 RU RO |
Government decision on approval of the Regulation on administrative procedures regarding light and ultralight aircarft that do not have type certificate (in force from 06.12.2024) |
Nr. 514 din 17.07.2024 |
Nr. 380-382 din 05.09.2024 |
Criminal Code RU RO |
Criminal Code of the Republic of Moldova |
Nr. 985-XV din 18.04.2002 |
Nr. 128-129/1012 din 13.09.2002 |
HGRM nr.249 RU RO |
Government Decision on approval of the Regulation on the organization of the National Search and Rescue System in case of an aviation accident |
Nr. 249 din 13.10.2021 |
Nr. 274-278 din 12.11.2021 |
HGRM nr.124/2021 RU RO |
Government decision on approval of the National Civil Aviation Security Program (PNSA) |
Nr. 124 din 12.08.2021 |
Nr. 212-218 din 10.09.2021 |
LRM nr.82 RU RO |
Law on integrity |
Nr. 82 din 25.05.2017 |
Nr. 229-243 din 07.07.2017 |
HGRM nr.971 RU RO |
Government Decision on approval of the Regulation on access to the ground handling market at airports from the Republic of Moldova |
Nr. 971 din 15.11.2017 |
Nr. 399-410 din 17.11.2017 |
LRM nr.100 RU RO |
Law on normative acts |
Nr. 100 din 22.12.2017 |
Nr. 7-17/34 din 12.01.2018 |
HGRM nr.836 RU RO |
Government Decision of the Republic of Moldova on approval of the Regulation on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights |
Nr. 836 din 08.11.2012 |
Nr. 237-241 din 16.11.2012 |
HGRM nr.119 RU RO |
Government decision on approval of the Regulation laying down technical and administrative requirements for ATM/ANS providers |
Nr. 119 din 07.03.2023 |
Nr. 141-144 din 26.04.2023 |
HGRM nr.36 RU RO |
Government Decision on organization and functioning of the Transport accident and incident investigation Bureau |
Nr. 36 din 25.01.2023 |
Nr. 35-38 din 09.02.2023 |
LRM nr.105 RU RO |
Law on consumer protection |
Nr. 105-XV din 13.03.2003 |
Nr. 126-131/507 din 27.06.2003 |
HGRM nr.653 RU RO |
Government decision on approval of the Regulation regarding administrative procedures related to aerodromes |
Nr. 653 din 11.07.2018 |
Nr. 256-265/713 din 13.07.2018 |
LRM nr.982 RU RO |
Law on access to public interest information |
Nr. 148 din 09.06.2023 |
Nr. 234 din 08.07.2023 |
LRM nr.98 RU RO |
Law on specialized central public administration |
Nr. 98 din 04.05.2012 |
Nr. 160-164 din 03.08.2012 |
HGRM nr.259 RU RO |
Government decision on implementation and functioning of Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) |
Nr. 259 din 10.04.2024 |
Nr. 219-439 din 23.05.2024 |
HGRM nr.85 RU RO |
Government decision on approval of operation requirements of balloons and sailplanes |
Nr. 85 din 22.02.2023 |
Nr. 113-116 din 05.04.2023 |
LRM nr.264 RO RU |
Law on adherence of the Republic of Moldova to the Protocol to the Convention on international interests in mobile equipment on matters specific to aircraft equipment. |
Nr. 264 din 07.12.2017 |
Nr. 7-17/46 din 12.01.2018 |
HGRM nr.246 RU RO |
Government Decision on approval of the Regulation on the establishment of rules and procedures with regard to the introduction of noise-related operating restrictions at airports in the Republic of Moldova within a Balanced Approach |
Nr. 246 din 24.04.2019 |
Nr. 162-166/285 din 10.05.2019 |
Contravention Code RU RO |
Contravention Code of the Republic of Moldova |
Nr. 218-XVI din 24.10.2008 |
Nr. 3-6/15 din 16.01.2009 |
Constitution of the RM RU RO |
Constitution of the Republic of Moldova |
Nr. din 29.07.1994 |
Nr. 1 din 12.08.1994 |
HGRM nr.737 RU RO |
Government Decision on approval of the Regulation on administrative requirements for certain categories of aerodromes |
Nr. 737 din 07.10.2020 |
Nr. 279-284 din 30.10.2020 |
HGRM nr.476 RO RU |
Government Decision on approval of the Methodology regarding the calculation and approval basis of the air navigation and airport charges (modified by GD no.378/2024) |
Nr. 476 din 20.04.2016 |
Nr. 114-122/543 din 29.04.2016 |
HGRM nr.134 RU RO |
Government decision on approval of the Regulation on laying down technical requirements and administrative procedures relating to air traffic controllers’ certificates. |
Nr. 134 din 27.02.2019 |
Nr. 94-99/190 din 15.03.2019 |
LRM nr.131 RU RO |
Law on state control on entrepreneurship activity |
Nr. 131 din 08.06.2012 |
Nr. 181-184 din 31.08.2012 |
HGRM nr.91/2024 RU RO |
Government Decision on approval of the Regulation laying down implementing rules for the airworthiness and environmental certification of aircraft and related products, parts and appliances, as well as for the certification of design and production organisations |
Nr. 91 din 07.02.2024 |
Nr. 118-121 din 27.03.2024 |
HGRM nr.868 RU RO |
Government Decision of the Republic of Moldova on approval of the Regulation regarding statistics of air transport of passengers, goods and mail and the registering structure for provision of statistical data. |
Nr. 868 din 18.12.2015 |
Nr. 347-360 din 25.12.2015 |
HGRM nr.623 RU RO |
Government decision on approval of the Regulation on administrative procedures regarding ground handling companies |
Nr. 623 din 30.08.2023 |
Nr. 362-363 din 21.09.2023 |
LRM nr.424 RU RO |
Law on revision and optimization of the regulatory framework on entrepreneurship |
Nr. 424-XV din 16.12.2004 |
Nr. 1-4 din 07.01.2005 |
LRM nr.215 RU RO |
Law on state border of the Republic of Moldova |
Nr. 215 din 04.11.2011 |
Nr. 76-80 art. 243 din 20.04.2012 |
HGRM nr.111 RU RO |
Government decision on approval of Regulation laying down airspace usage requirements and operating procedures concerning performance-based navigation. |
Nr. 111 din 23.02.2022 |
Nr. 61-67 din 04.03.2022 |
LRM nr.213 RU RO |
Law on investigation of accidents and incidents in transport |
Nr. 213 din 19.12.2021 |
Nr. 315-324 din 24.12.2021 |
LRM nr.118 RU RO |
Law on liability and insurance requirements of air carriers and aircraft operators |
Nr. 118 din 09.07.2020 |
Nr. 199-204 din 07.08.2020 |
HGRM nr.641 RU RO |
Government decision on approval of the Regulation on the continuing airworthiness of aircraft and aeronautical products, parts and appliances, and on the approval of organisations and personnel involved in these tasks |
Nr. 641 din 17.12.2019 |
Nr. 24-34/39 din 31.01.2020 |
HGRM nr.462 RU RO |
Government Decision on approval of the Regulation on slots allocation at airports from the Republic of Moldova |
Nr. 462 din 22.05.2018 |
Nr. 167-175/513 din 25.05.2018 |
LRM nr.235 RU RO |
Law on basic principles regulating entrepreneurial activity |
Nr. 235-XVI din 20.07.2006 |
Nr. 126-130 din 11.08.2006 |
HGRM nr.527 RU RO |
Government Decision for the approval of the Regulation on the authorization of transmitters and the coordination of radio frequencies assigned to aviation |
Nr. nr.527 din 22.07.2022 |
Nr. 284-290 din 16.09.2022 |
LRM nr.136 RO RU |
Law on Government |
Nr. 136 din 07.07.2017 |
Nr. 252/412 din 19.07.2017 |
HGRM nr.297 RU RO |
Government Decision on the implementation of Law no. 215 of 04.11.2011 regarding the state border of the Republic of Moldova |
Nr. 297 din 11.05.2017 |
Nr. 155-161/374 din 19.05.2017 |
HGRM nr.204 RU RO |
Government Decision on approval of the Regulation laying down technical requirements and administrative procedures related to civil aviation aircrew |
Nr. 204 din 25.03.2020 |
Nr. 165-176 din 10.07.2020 |
HGRM nr.133 RU RO |
Government Decision on organization and functioning of the CAA |
Nr. 133 din 27.02.2019 |
Nr. 86-92/167 din 08.03.2019 |
Aviation Code RU RO EN |
Aviation Code of the Republic of Moldova |
Nr. 301 din 21.12.2017 |
Nr. 95-104/189 din 23.03.2018 |
HGRM nr.512 RO |
Government decision on approval of the Information System Concept "Aircarft Register of the Republic Moldova" and the Regulation on the manner of keeping the Aircraft Registry of the Republic of Moldova |
Nr. 512 din 17.07.2024 |
Nr. 373-376 din 29.08.2024 |
HGRM nr.780 RU RO |
Government decision on approval of the Regulation regarding administrative procedures on application and publication of the list of air carriers subject to an operating ban in the Republic of Moldova |
Nr. 780 din 01.08.2018 |
Nr. 309-320/851 din 17.08.2018 |
Сivil code RU RO |
Civil Code of the Republic of Moldova |
Nr. 1107-XV din 06.06.2002 |
Nr. 82-86/661 din 22.06.2002 |
HGRM nr.190 RU RO |
Government decision on approval of the Regulation on management of air space and implementation of flexible use of airspace concept |
Nr. 190/2021 din 22.09.2022 |
Nr. 230-237 din 01.10.2021 |
LRM nr.158 RU RO |
Law on public function and status of the public servant |
Nr. 158-XVI din 04.07.2008 |
Nr. 230-232/840 din 23.12.2008 |
MEI Order no.439 RU RO |
Order on approval of the list of air carriers subject to an operating ban within the Republic of Moldova. |
Nr. 439 din 07.09.2018 |
Nr. 400-409 din 26.10.2018 |
HGRM nr.1 RU RO |
Government Decision of the Republic of Moldova on approval of the payment amount to Civil Aviation Authority for oversight of certification conditions |
Nr. 1 din 04.01.2013 |
Nr. 6-9 din 11.01.2013 |
HGRM nr.949 RU RO |
Government decision on approval of rules regarding operation of unmanned aircraft |
Nr. 949 din 28.12.2022 |
Nr. 71-74 din 03.03.2023 |
LRM nr.143 RU RO |
Law on air space control |
Nr. 143 din 21.06.2012 |
Nr. 155-159 din 27.07.2012 |
HGRM nr.147 RU RO |
Government decision on approval of the National Facilitation Program |
Nr. 147 din 09.05.2022 |
Nr. 135-140 din 06.05.2022 |
LRM nr.133 RU RO |
Law on personal data protection |
Nr. 133 din 08.07.2011 |
Nr. 170-175 din 14.10.2011 |
LRM nr.160 RU RO |
Law on regulation through authorization of the entrepreneurial activity |
Nr. 160 din 22.07.2011 |
Nr. 170-175 din 14.10.2011 |
LRM nr.192 RU RO |
Aviation Security Law |
Nr. 192 din 20.12.2019 |
Nr. 400-406/356 din 31.12.2019 |
HGRM nr.838 RU RO |
Government Decision on approval of the Methodology of state control over the entrepreneurial activity based on the risks analysis, in the fields of competence of the Civil Aviation Authority. |
Nr. 838 din 20.08.2018 |
Nr. 347-357 din 14.09.2018 |
Administrative Code RU RO |
Administrative Code of the Republic of Moldova |
Nr. 116 din 19.07.2018 |
Nr. 309-320/466 din 17.08.2018 |
Title | Order number | Published in the Official Journal |
JAR-FCL 4 Flight Crew Licensing (Flight Engineers) EN |
Nr. 43/GEN din 26.04.2001 |
Nr. 49-50 din 03.05.2001 |
Title | Full title | Order number | Published in the Official Journal |
Technical requirements applicable to in flight collision avoidance - ACAS II, version 7.1 |
Nr. 24/GEN din 19.11.2015 |
Nr. 324-329 din 04.12.2015 |
Aeronautical charts. Edition 03. Amendment 01 |
Nr. 32/GEN din 18.08.2020 |
Nr. 221-225 din 28.08.2020 |
Additional airworthiness specifications for a given type of operations |
Nr. 23/GEN din 14.05.2024 |
Nr. 238-240 din 06.06.2024 |
Meteorological service of civil aviation activities. Edition04 |
Nr. 13/GEN din 04.03.2024 |
Nr. 101-102 din 15.03.2024 |
Technical requirements for medical requirements for air traffic controllers |
Nr. 24/GEN din 26.04.2019 |
Nr. 162-166 din 10.05.2019 |
Transport of dangerous goods by air. Edition 03 (amendment 01) Annexes |
Nr. 22/GEN din 26.04.2021 |
Nr. 117-121 din 14.05.2021 |
Technical requirements on design and operation of heliports. Amendment 03 |
Nr. 26/GEN din 30.11.2015 |
Nr. 332-339 din 11.12.2015 |
Essential specifications on rules of the air |
Nr. 33/GEN din 27.09.2023 |
Nr. 391-394 din 19.10.2023 |
CT- RO |
Technical requirements laying down requirements for automatic systems for the exchange of flight data for the purpose of notification, coordination and transfer of flights between air traffic control units. |
Nr. 16/GEN din 07.08.2018 |
Nr. 321-332 din 24.08.2018 |
Ground and in-flight testing/inspections of radio navigation and radio location equipment and systems |
Nr. 17/GEN din 22.03.2024 |
Nr. 130-134 din 02.04.2024 |
Technical requirements for the issuance of air traffic controller certificates |
Nr. 24/GEN din 26.04.2019 |
Nr. 162-166 din 10.05.2019 |
Technical requirements related to air operations subpart RAMP. Edition 02. Amendment 01. |
Nr. 05/GEN din 24.02.2020 |
Nr. 87-93/308 din 20.03.2020 |
Fatigue control of air traffic controllers. Amendment 02 |
Nr. 17/GEN din 24.03.2021 |
Nr. 88-95 din 02.04.2021 |
Aircraft equipment required for the use of air space of the Republic of Moldova |
Nr. 39/GEN din 30.09.2024 |
Nr. 430-433 din 15.10.2024 |
Air traffic services. Edition 02 |
Nr. 12/GEN din 04.03.2024 |
Nr. 101-102 din 15.03.2024 |
Additional instructions related to aviation security. Edition 02 (restricted) |
Nr. 19/GEN din 15.04.2024 |
Nr. 184-187 din 25.04.2024 |
Technical requirements on Joint group for coordination of search and rescue operations. Edition 02 |
Nr. 42/GEN din 16.11.2023 |
Nr. 452-454 din 28.11.2023 |
CT- RO |
Conditions for maintenance staff certification from companies located outside the Republic of Moldova |
Nr. 04/GEN din 09.02.2021 |
Nr. 51-56 din 19.02.2021 |
Qualification and competences of the aeronautical meteorological personnel |
Nr. 26/GEN din 22.11.2017 |
Nr. 434-439 din 15.12.2017 |
CT- RO |
Technical requirements laying down requirements for the application of a flight message transfer protocol used for the purpose of notification, coordination and transfer of flights between air traffic control units. |
Nr. 21/GEN din 21.08.2018 |
Nr. 347-357 din 14.09.2018 |
Technical requirements on design and operation of aerodromes. Edition 04. Amendment 05 |
Nr. 58/GEN din 30.10.2019 |
Nr. 338-343 din 15.11.2019 |
Technical requirements on safety management systems |
Nr. 51/GEN din 01.12.2020 |
Nr. 332-342 din 11.12.2020 |
Technical requirements for operations at national aerodromes where air traffic control services are not provided and the establishment of aerodrome traffic areas |
Nr. 25/GEN din 22.06.2020 |
Nr. 159 din 30.06.2020 |
Essential specifications on rules of the air. Amendment 01 (applicable from 28.11.2024) |
Nr. 33/GEN din 27.09.2023 |
Nr. 391-394 din 19.10.2023 |
Aeronautical information services. Edition 03 |
Nr. 14/GEN din 04.03.2024 |
Nr. 101-102 din 15.03.2024 |
Alternative security measures |
Nr. 52/GEN din 16.11.2021 |
Nr. 286-289 din 26.11.2021 |
Technical requirements on units of measurement to be used in civil aviation |
Nr. 27/GEN din 18.08.2014 |
Nr. 256-260 din 29.08.2014 |
Training of Air traffic safery electronist personnel |
Nr. 40/GEN din 14.11.2023 |
Nr. 452-454 din 28.11.2023 |
CT- RO |
Technical requirements laying down the requirements on procedures for flight plans in the pre-flight phase. |
Nr. 17/GEN din 07.08.2018 |
Nr. 321-332 din 24.08.2018 |
Technical requirements on design, verification and approval of the instrumental flight procedures. Amendment 01. |
Nr. 26/GEN din 05.09.2016 |
Nr. nr.315-328 din 23.09.2016 |
Title | Full title |
DO-02-25/06/2018 RU RO |
On operation of ETOPS flights |
DO-04-30/03/2023 RO |
Regarding presentation of data on performance indicators at national level by aeronautical agents from the Republic of Moldova |
DO-14-22/12/2021 RO |
On amendment of the Operational Directive no.12 - 14/08/2021 "On ensuring compliance with the provisions of the Decision of the National Commission for Public Health (hereinafter referred to as CNESP) no. 59 of August 13, 2021" |
DO-01-23/03/2006 RU RO |
On the procedure for inclusion of the information regarding the take-off surface condition on airdrome LUKK in METAR and SPECI reports |
DSA-01-29/01/2021 RO EN |
On removal of operational restrictions related to aircraft type Boeing model 737-8 & 737-9, all serial numbers (EASA Type Certificate no.EASA.IM.A.120) and repeal of DSA no.01 – 12/03/2019 |
DO-07-06/11/2023 RO |
On implementation of certain provisions of Government decision no.147/2022 regarding approval of the National Programme on Air Transport Facilitation related to passengers information system |
DO-12-14/08/2021 RO |
On ensuring compliance with the provisions of the Decision of the National Commission for Public Health (hereinafter referred to as CNESP) no. 59 of August 13, 2021 |
DO-03-16/04/2019 RO |
On amendment of Operational directive no.02 of 10/04/2019 |
DSA-01-11/01/2023 RO |
On mandatory notification of aeronautical events and aviation security events |
DO-1-14/01/2022 RO |
On ensuring compliance with provisions of the Decision of the National Commission for Public Health no.1 of January 13, 2022 |
DO-05-26/04/2021 RU RO |
On establishment by the air operators of the Republic of Moldova of the policy and procedures for the transport of goods in the cargo compartments |
DO-06-08/08/2023 RO |
On amendment of OD no.07-24/10/2022 |
DO-08-07/12/2023 RO |
Regarding the procedure for issuing permission for aerobatics or demonstration flights as part of entertainment or advertising programs over densely populated areas |
DO-03-28/02/2023 RO |
On abrogation of the Operational Directive DO-05–01/08/2022 |
DO-17-06/01/2021 RO |
On removal of air traffic restrictions with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
RO |
DO-04-17/06/2022 RO |
On submission of monthly information by training organizations approved /declared/ registered by the САА |
DO-06-10.09.2022 RO |
Regarding the ban on performance of air operations in the air space of the Russian Federation |
DO-03-31/03/2022 RO |
Regarding ensuring the application of the provisions of Decision no.5 of the National Extraordinary Public Health Commission of March 14, 2022 and implementation of measures established in “Operational instructions for ensuring the health and safety of passengers and aeronautical personnel in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic”, approved by the joint order no.1/7 AAC-ANSP of 12.01.2021 |
DO-07-26/05/2021 RO |
Regarding the amendment of the Operational Directive No. 08 - 13/06/2020 |
DO-01-03/07/2008 RU RO |
On amendment of the Operational Directive DO-03-07/12/2006 |
DO-12/1999 RU RO |
Responsibilities and requirements towards aviation personnel regarding their physical and psychological status |
DO-01/2000 RU RO |
On prevention of infection of flight crew members with extremely dangerous diseases |
DO-01-16/07/2001 RO RU |
Additional ATS procedures for the ACC Chisinau (Area Control Center) regarding Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM) |
DO-02-10/11/2004 RU RO |
On the procedure for the conduct of observations on airdromes without visual instruments |
DO-01-24/05/2004 RU RO |
On performance of preventive measures regarding aircraft accidents prevention |
DO-02-11/07/2005 RO |
On the issuance and transmission procedure of warning notices on airdromes LUKK, LUBL & LUCH. |
DO-03-07/12/2006 RU RO |
On the procedure for determination of objects’ distance and azimuth selected as visibility objects in the airdrome zone |
DO-02-25/09/2006 RU RO |
On the collection and transmission procedure of the information regarding the take-off surface condition on airdrome LUKK |
DO-03-14/12/2007 RU RO |
On amendment of the Operational Directive DO-03-07/12/2006 |
DO-02-21/08/2007 RU RO |
On the mobile objects marking procedure permitted on the manoeuvring area of the airdrome |
DO-03-10/08/2009 RU RO |
On abrogation of the Operational Directive DO-01-30/05/2005 |
DO-01-31/03/2009 RO RU |
On measures taken when aircraft perform landing with a RVR of less than 550m |
DO-02-25/05/2009 RU RO |
On amendment of the Operational Directive DO-01-31/03/2009 |
DO-04-20/11/2009 RO EN |
Prevention of the spread of communicable diseases and in special of influenza A (H1N1) pandemic by means of air transport |
DO-01-06/12/2010 RO RU |
On implementation of the completed and updated documentation on FDRs spreading parameters, their working life and maintenance and establishment of a system for storage, provision and usage of FDRs in air companies |
DO-01-25/01/2010 RO RU |
On calculation of sunrise/sunset times and of the morning/evening civil twilight. |
DO-02-09/07/2010 RO RU |
On notification of visibility in METAR reports |
DO-01-19.11.2010 RO RU |
On the procedures regarding measures taken in case of aircraft take-off with RVR less than 200m and aircraft landing with RVR less than 550m |
DA-01-19/12/2013 RU RO |
On assurance of measures regarding avoidance of aircraft collisions with birds and animals Annexes |
DO-02-30/12/2013 RO RU |
On implementation by the air operators of the Republic of Moldova of the operational procedures on inflight fuel management and operation minima applied on the airdrome according to the ICAO requirements |
DO-02-10/06/2014 RU RO |
On indication of ground wind parameters of area forecasts for low level flights, in GAMET format |
DO-01-16.02.2015 RU RO |
On amendment of the Operational Directive no.01 of 19/11/2010 on the procedures regarding measures taken in case of aircraft takeoff with RVR less than 200m and aircraft landing with RVR less than 550m |
DO-03–21/04/2016 RU RO |
On amendment of the Operational Directive no.03-20/12/2010 |
DO-02–04/09/2017 RU RO |
On provision by air carriers of the information related to civil liability insurance of third parties, passengers, baggage and cargo |
DO-01-22/02/2018 RU RO |
On abrogation of DO-01–11/01/2017 |
DA-02-19/03/2018 RU RO |
On amendment of airport directive no.01 of 19/12/2013 „On assurance of measures regarding avoidance of aircraft collisions with birds and animals” |
DO-02-10/04/2019 RO |
On interdiction of CAT flights operated by the national operators which do not hold TCO issued by EASA and establishment of additional safety measures for SPO |
DO-04-17/04/2019 RO |
On uniformisation of requirements related to registration of civil aircraft |
DA-08–31/05/2019 RO |
On abrogation of directive no.03-06/09/2018 ”On mandatory prior coordination of Raw Data on publication of NOTAMs related to operation of runway 09/27 and/or taxiway D of the International Airport Chisinau.” |
DO-08-13/06/2020 RO EN |
On measures to be applied by aeronautical agents in order to prevent and control the spread of communicable diseases by air transport during COVID-19 pandemic and repeal of Directive no.06 – 16/05/2020 on extension of restrictions in the field of civil aviation in order to prevent the spread of infection with COVID-19. CONSOLIDATED version Annexes |
Title | Full title |
02-14/10/2008 EN |
Regarding on the implementation of the Safety Management System (SMS) for Air Operators’ Certificate (AOC) holders |
04-05/06/2019 RO |
On implementation of the provisions from the regulation "Safety management systems" approved through Order no.08/GEN of 26.01.2014. |
02-01/03/2017 RU RO |
On observation of the provisions of the UN Security Council Resolution no.2321 of 30.11.2016 |
RO |
01-29/01/2020 RO |
On prevention of spread of communicable diseases – Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) through air travel |
03-25/04/2017 RU RO |
On approval of the content of the Air navigation services providers quality assurance program |
03-25/05/2021 RO |
On the application of the necessary measures in order to ensure the safety and security of passengers on board of aircraft registered in the Aviation register of the Republic of Moldova |
02-06/12/2007 RU EN |
Regarding developing Systematic Reporting System by air operators on discrepancies identified during internal audits in air company |
05-05/12/2013 RU RO |
On assurance of flight safety on hot air balloons with a shell volume up to 3000m3 (inclusively) |
01/a-11/02/2015 RU RO |
On observance of the provisions of the Decision 2010/638/CFSP of the EU Council of 25 October 2010 regarding sanctions against Guinea Republic |
05 - 13/06/2019 RO |
On abrogation of Circular no. 01 – 01/08/2007 „On plan of flights for 24 hours” |
05-26/08/2014 RU RO |
On observance of the provisions of the Decision 2014/449/PESC of the EU Council of 10 July 2014 regarding restrictive measures in view of the situation in South Sudan |
04-06/08/2021 RO |
On presentation of information on the resources established for aircraft registered in the Aviation Register of the Republic of Moldova |
01-07/05/2021 RO |
Regarding compliance with the operational instructions for ensuring the health and safety of passengers and aeronautical personnel in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic and the Regulation on measures to prevent and control the spread of communicable diseases in the field of air transport during the COVID-19 pandemic. |
02-31/01/2020 RO |
On some measures to ensure compliance with labour migration legislation |
01- 09/01/2019 RU RO |
On some measures to improve safety related to use of ground maintenance vehicles and equipment |
03-18/07/2014 RO |
On avoidance of restricted zones in Ukraine |
05-15/07/2020 RO |
On ensuring consumers rights in the event of cancellation of air transport services in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic |
03-14/12/2007 RU |
On aircraft «wet-lease» system |
02-24/05/2021 RO |
On ensuring the application of the provisions of Annex 2 (Part-145) and Annex 3 (Part-66) Regulation on the continuing airworthiness of aircraft and aeronautical products, parts and appliances, and on the approval of organisations and personnel involved in these tasks, approved by the Government Decision no. 641/2019 Annexes |
03-19/06/2015 RO RU |
On application of the provisions of the Decision 2010/656/CFSP of the EU Council of 29 October 2010 renewing the restricted measures against Côte d’Ivoire |
06-05/10/2020 RO |
On the application of a uniform mechanism regarding issuance and usage of a voucher in exchange for an ticket (travel document) |
04 - 27/03/2020 EN RO |
On execution of Decision of the Committee on exceptional situations of the Republic of Moldova ( Decision no.6 of 16.03.2020) |
02-22/09/2024 RO |
On abrogation of Circular no. 01 – 30/01/2017 „On drafting and structuring of the Manual of the ground handling companies ” |
02-22/04/2019 RO |
On the development of Maintenance exposition manual (MOE) of the maintenance organization Annexes |
02-31/03/2016 RU RO |
On amendment of Circular no. 01/a-11/02/2015 „On observance of the provisions of the Decision 2010/638/CFSP of the EU Council of 25 October 2010 regarding sanctions against Guinea Republic” |
04-29/07/2014 RU RO |
On observance of the provisions of the Decision 2013/255/CFSP of the EU Council of 31 May 2013 regarding sanctions against Syria |
01-22/03/2011 RO RU |
On observation of the provisions of the UN Security Council Resolution no.1970 (1010) |
01-22/01/2014 RO RU |
On implementation of TGL36 „Approval of Electronic Flight Bags (EFBs)” Annexes |
01-31/01/2024 RO |
On the development of the aircraft reliability program operated by the air operators of the RM |
04-19/06/2015 RU RO |
On application of the provisions of the Decision 2011/101/PESC of the EU Council of 15 February 2011 regarding restrictive measures against Zimbabwe |
01-24.02.2015 RO |
On flight execution in FIR Bagdad and airports from Iraq |
04-05/12/2013 RU RO |
On assurance of safety operation of very light and light aircraft equipped with quick-acting parachute system |
15/12/2009 RO |
Notification of medical equipment on board the aircraft |
01-28/01/2022 RO |
On the application of the Human Factors Principles (HFP) to the development of aircraft airworthiness documents |
03-05/04/2016 RU RO |
On application of provisions of the Decision 2013/183/CFSP of the EU Council of 22 April 2013 regarding sanctions against North Korea |
01-14/05/2008 EN |
Regarding on the implementation of the operational control for air operators |
01-07/08/2009 RO RU |
On observation of the provisions of the UN Security Council Resolution no.1874 (2009) |
01-07/12/2010 RO |
On provision of financial data |
01-07/02/2013 RU RO |
On access of the CAA aviation inspectors in security restricted areas of the airports |
02-02/06/2014 RU RO |
On implementation of AMC to point RAC-APL 3.015 (g) (4) from the aviation rules RAC-APL 3 Authorization of aviation personnel (medical requirements) |
01-31/03/2016 RU RO |
n amendment of Circular no. 04 – 19/06/2015 „On application of the provisions of the Decision 2011/101/PESC of the EU Council of 15 February 2011 regarding restrictive measures against Zimbabwe” |
01-01/02/2018 RO |
On ensuring conditions related to exercise of the commercial operating rights of scheduled flights to/from destination points on the territory if RF by the national air operators |