Issued documents

Airworthiness Department issues the following documents:

  1. Certificates of Airworthiness
    Certificate of Airworthiness issued by Civil Aviation Authority (further CAA) is a document which confirms that a certain aircraft complies with airworthiness standards applicable in the Republic of Moldova and allows its operation.
    On all matters regarding airworthiness contact:
  2. Permit to fly
    CAA may grant Permit to fly provided that the aircraft are capable of safe flight under defined conditions. Approval for special flights is granted in situations as follows:
    (a) Ferry flight to the base where repair, modification or maintenance can be done;
    (b) Flight to the conservation site
    (c) Aircraft evacuation from hazardous regions and in cases of force majeure
    (d) Other situations determined by the CAA (specified in Part-21)
  3. Export Certificates of Airworthiness
    Export Certificates of Airworthiness are granted in compliance with RAC-AW requirements.
  4. Noise Certificates
  5. RNAV Certificates
  6. Notification (24-bit address)
    Aircraft address is assigned only after its registration in the Aircraft Register of the Republic of Moldova.
Government of RM Government of RM
Presidency of  RM Presidency of RM
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