Attention of holders of the JAR-66 Certificates and aircraft maintenance organizations, approved according to JAR-145:
The Civil Aviation Authority of Republic of Moldova informs you that „Regulamentul privind menținerea navigabilității aeronavelor și a produselor, reperelor și dispozitivelor aeronautice și autorizarea întreprinderilor și a personalului cu atribuții în domeniu” is currently in an advanced stage of promotion and is to be approved in short period. Following approval, the Regulation will enter into force in one year.
The approval of the regulation implies the transposition of the European Union Regulation 1321/2014 into national aviation regulations with the purpose of implementation the European standards of continuing airworthiness, including the requirements regarding the training and licensing aircraft maintenance personnel.
The conversion from JAR-66 to the Part-66 standards will be ensured by the AAC RM during 3 years, by providing the examination, were appropriate.
The additional conversion conditions will be published on site
* "The regulation on the continuing airworthiness of aircraft and aeronautical products, parts and appliances, and on the approval of organizations and personnel involved in these tasks ".